Have a vision for your medical affairs team and business? We have a way to get you there


Reward your and your team’s performance with case-studies based workshops and trainings on game changing medical affairs skills and tactics.

How It Works

The pharmaceutical R&D journey— a long, risky and expensive path from lab to market


The pharmaceutical R&D journey for each new medicine is not only extremely expensive and risky but also very long. Billions of dollars are spent for research and development of each new medicine, that generally lasts for 10–15 years and only 1 in 10 compounds that start the clinical phase make it to the market.

Total capitalized costs for bringing new medicines to market increase at rate of 8.5% every year above general price inflation. Half of the new medicines however fail to fulfill the financial expectations.


  1. Avorn J. The $2.6 billion pill–methodologic and policy considerations. N Engl J Med. 2015;372(20):1877-9.
  2. Tamimi NAM, Ellis P. Drug Development: From Concept to Marketing! Nephron Clin Pract 2009;113:c125-c131.
  3. DiMasi JA, Grabowski HG, Hansen RW. Innovation in the pharmaceutical industry: New estimates of R&D costs. J Health Econ. 2016;47:20-33.
  4. Setia S, Ryan NJ, Nair PS, Ching E, Subramaniam K. Evolving role of pharmaceutical physicians in medical evidence and education. Adv Med Educ Pract. 2018;9:777–790.

Medical affairs professionals are hired for successful and credible commercialization of medicines


Medical affairs professionals develop various scientific communication and education strategies to bridge unmet medical needs and advance clinical practice. Strengthening and upscaling the medical affairs teams is also progressively been deployed by pharmaceutical companies for tackling the financial insecurities by credible commercialization of key products.

This can incur an average post-launch brand spending of 14% and may even rise up to 42% during the launch year initiatives.


  1. Setia S, Ryan NJ, Nair PS, Ching E, Subramaniam K. Evolving role of pharmaceutical physicians in medical evidence and education. Adv Med Educ Pract. 2018;9:777–790.
  2. https://www.globenewswire.com/news-release/2016/07/26/1181085/0/en/Pharmaceutical-Launches-73-of-First-Year-Brand-Spending-Goes-to-Marketing-and-Commercial-Initiatives.html (last accessed 28 June 2016).

Can medical affairs professionals meet the commercial expectations amidst very tough control systems?


Most medical affairs professionals struggle with achieving key performance indicators synergized with commercial expectations. All their activities must be strictly non-promotional, governed by very tough internal and external regulations. Collaborative strategies for medical education and scientific communication are however crucial for success of medical affairs teams and business.

Medical affairs teams have a vital yet under-utilized role in convincing government, health authorities and policy makers to bridge health providers and patients’ knowledge gaps and update clinical practice guidelines.


  1. Setia S, Ryan NJ, Nair PS, Ching E, Subramaniam K. Evolving role of pharmaceutical physicians in medical evidence and education. Adv Med Educ Pract. 2018;9:777–790.
  2. Sweiti H, Wiegand F, Bug C, Vogel M, Lavie F, Winiger-Candolfi I, Schuier M. Physicians in the pharmaceutical industry: their roles, motivations, and perspectives. Drug Discov Today. 2019:S1359-6446(19)30032-7.

Transform Medcomms empowers medical affairs to be partners in health-care and provides game changing skills and tactics to boost your and your team’s performance with case-studies based workshops and trainings.

Who It’s For

Small and big medical affairs teams managed by medical directors or medical managers.
Emerging as well as experienced medical affairs professionals